Royal Chambers

What You Might Want To Know About Me

Born in Los Angeles, I've lived here all of my life. I think it's a fantastic place to be, even though some may hate it. There's so much to see and do, and I'm lucky because I'm in the middle of anywhere I might want to go.

I love to learn things, though these days it might be my downfall. I have so many activities, and love to do so many things, that I simply don't have the time to give proper attention to any/all of them. Sometimes I have put to stuff on the back-burner for a while.

And what is it that I enjoy, you may ask? Well, from the sections on this site, you might have noticed I like to: research my ancestors, collect music, play guitar, go to concerts, laugh whenever possible, crochet & knit, and travel when I can. But I also like to: read science fiction/fantasy books and attend local conventions, watch movies (at theaters & at home), take pictures (wherever I go) with my digital camera, and watch WAY too much television.

If there's anything else that I may have forgotten, I'll try to add it in when I can... Wendy

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